30 Days of Praying through 1 & 2 Chronicles: Day 19 – “Aman”

2 Chronicles 20:20

“Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld;”

Just before the Israelites go out to fight in a battle, King Jehoshaphat speaks to the people to encourage them to put their faith in the Lord as they step out to fight. He tells them that as they are putting their faith in the Lord, they will be upheld.

The word “faith” in Hebrew means to “believe or trust.” The word “upheld” in Hebrew means to be “established” or “secure.” Jehoshaphat is reminding the people to believe and trust in the Lord and they will be secure.

The interesting part about this verse is that the words “faith” and “upheld” are the exact same word in the Hebrew: aman. This tells us that by having faith and believing in God, we are secure and established.

Isn’t that the message of the Gospel? We believe in Jesus Christ by faith and now our salvation and lives are secure in him. We don’t have to worry and fret that we aren’t good enough anymore. We can trust in God to uphold us and keep us established on a firm foundation. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

Take this truth with you today: have faith [belief and trust] in the Lord and you will be upheld [secure and established].

Father, thank you that our salvation is received by faith and that we no longer have to try and earn our way to you. We praise you that we now have Jesus to uphold us and keep us secure. We are often taken aback by our own sins and then feel as though we have to punish ourselves. Forgive us for not believing and trusting you in everything. Help us to have faith in the Lord our God for not just our salvation but for every decision, situation, and circumstance. We surrender ourselves under your mighty hand. Amen.

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